
"CLA" has developed a considerable experience in consultancy in tax and corporate matters directed both to national customers that even at the international and this thanks to the contribution of composite professionalism. The result is a cultural and professional mosaic that allows to offer integrated and complete consulting services. The integrated approach of consultancy is now consolidated and represents a characterizing element of the structure.

Attention is given to subjects such as the capital companies operating in the industrial sector, services, insurance companies, pension funds, health-care, business organizations, legal firm national and international.


"CLA" has gained significant experiences:

- In the context of the Board of Directors of major real estate and commercial companies and within the scope of Statutory Auditors in companies and bodies of national importance (included listed companies)

- In legal, fiscal and financial knowledge, concerning securities, both domestic and foreign. In relation to this particular type of activity has among its clients primary legal "signatures" international and national

- In the establishment and management of high-profile national start-up.

- In the field of insurance, pension and in the administrative management of NPL


The Professional Association Cerati Laurini Ampollini ("Cla") was born in the year 2000. Partners and collaborators are Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors with many years of experience in the field of business and fiscal consultancy and auditing.


Studio Cerati Laurini Ampollini
c.f./p.i. 02134560347

Parma offices:

Via Abbeveratoia, 63/A
43126 Parma
Telefono: +39 0521 039722

Milano offices:

Via S. Maria Fulcorina, 2
20123 Milano
Telefono: +39 02.6571709/941

Milano offices:

Via Fatebenefratelli, n. 20
20121 Milano
Telefono: +39 02.6571709/941

Busseto offices:

Via Paganini, 16
43011 Busseto Parma
Telefono: +39 0524 97953

Studio Cerati Laurini Ampollini © 2019